Rebecca McDaniel, MAOL
Director of Philanthropy

Rebecca has worked for Dignity Health in the Philanthropy office since 2007. She is currently the Director of Philanthropy for Dignity Health Foundation – Inland Empire and Glendale Memorial Health Foundation overseeing operations. She has held many positions during these years which include administration, annual giving, special events, major gifts and planned giving. She hopes to work many more years with Dignity Health, growing and sharing the compassion of supporting our community through our hospitals.
Rebecca received her BA from California State University San Bernardino and her MA from California Baptist University. She is a prior board member of Kiwanis and has served on many volunteer committees.

Joined the Team: October 2007
Hometown: San Francisco, CA
Proudest moment: My one and only daughter - Kaitlyn, who will be graduating high school in June 2025!
Greatest achievement: I have two. Graduating with Master's Degree and meeting one of my all time football players Vernon Davis randomly in a mall in Virginia while on vacation.
Walk-up Song: In da Club by Fifty Cent
Hobbies: My gym, Binge Watching anything and if I won the lottery, it would be traveling the world!
Favorite Movie/Book: Shawshank Redemption
Superhero: Wonder Woman - because I grew up with Linda Carter.
Bucket List: Skydive at 85
Coffee or Tea: Coffee
Actor I would want to play you in a movie:: America Ferrera
Best advice ever given: Good things come to those who wait.
Life motto: Everything happens for a reason!
Go-to Karaoke Song: 4 Non Blonds, "What's Up" and Journey, “Lights”
Pets: Nova cat, Coco and Chanel puppies